
About Me

I've been travelling in some shape or form since birth growing up the daughter of an Army Nurse meant picking up and moving every few years. I was even lucky enough to live in Germany for three years of my life, the perfect spring board to the rest of Europe. It is from a young age that I have always looked forward to the annual family holiday. From our extended family trip to the Norfolk Broads to a Christmas Caribbean Cruise to Australia and many European countries over the years, more recently I have enjoyed family holidays to Canada and America. I have been very lucky that my parents have given me the chance to see the world and it is from them that I have most definitely got the travel bug.

Until recently I thought my dream of travelling the way a person on a gap year or a brave soul that packs in their job and goes to see the world would never happen. I had unfounded misconceptions that I couldn't have a full time job and do and see all the things in the world that I wish to. Another thing holding me back was my reliance on someone to travel with me, I can be quite the introvert and this has held me back in life but I have decided to put my fears aside and just go for it because life really is to short and I don't want to have any regrets. Lastly another thing that has held me back was that I'm the kind of girl that likes her luxuries a nice comfy bed, electricity etc. and the idea of carrying a backpack fills me with dread, so having done a little research I've found cost effective ways to travel that don't mean I have to sacrifice my little luxuries. And who says you have to take a backpack with you travelling anyway, I'll do my own thing and make it work!

So as mentioned I am currently in fulltime employment and I don't have any plans to give this up I have some career goals as well as personal ones that I want to achieve so I'm glad that I don't have to substitute one for the other. At the moment I'm an Administrator for an MOD Medical Centre, mostly carrying out the day to day admin tasks, booking patient appointments etc. I do love my job and I hope to progress further in the Civil Service. I one day want to work in one of the cabinet offices in London preferably the Foreign Office as I have a real interest in world affairs and politics. I'm studying an Open University degree at the moment in International Studies and I hope that this degree will help me get to where I want to be professionally!

As I am relatively new to travel blogging my posts may be a bit sporadic until I get some destinations and experience under my belt so you need to see this space as a work in progress. I started this blog back in 2013 as a beauty blog which at the time was one of my interests but as I've grown so have my passions and it's time to move away from that and focus on a topic that has been a passion for life!

As well as travel posts I hope to share with you some of my foodie experiences to. I love nothing more that eating out, finding new restaurants and visiting old favourites so expect to see some restaurant reviews and other foodie related content.

If you want to follow my day to day musings then follow my Twitter and Instagram by clicking the links on the sidebar or in my Contact page. I'm also on Snap Chat and hope to share my travelling experiences on there too my user name is littlemisslines if you want to follow along.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, i love your blog! ive entered you for the liebster award!! have a look here for all the deets x


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